Tag Archives: women in politics

Five inspiring quotes from people I admire

23 Nov

Now I may not entirely align myself politically or culturally with all these folks, but that’s besides the point. Sometimes in life inspiration and stimulus can come from the most unexpected of places. These are simply some key moments and thoughts that have stuck with me.

famous quotes, inspirational quotes,

“I’m very clear that women in politics, in business, in whatever field they are in, should be able to do the jobs as themselves and not feel they’ve got to walk like a man.”

Theresa May – British home secretary

“…marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support but why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage and we don’t teach boys the same?”

Chimamanda Nqozi Adichie – author and feminist

“It’s the very struggle of life that makes us who we are. And it is our enemies that test us, provide us with the resistance necessary for growth…cherish your enemies, your difficult tasks, and anything that pushes you out of your comfort zone”

Dalai Lama – philosopher, writer

“Poverty isn’t just having no heating, or not quite enough food, or unplugging your fridge and turning your hot water off. It’s not a tourism trade, it’s not cool, and it’s not something that MPs on a salary of £65k a year plus expenses can understand, let alone our PM who states that we’re all in this together. Poverty is the sinking feeling when your small boy finishes his one Weetabix and says ‘more mummy, bread and jam please mummy’ as you’re wondering whether to take the TV or the guitar to the pawn shop first, and how to tell him that there is no bread or jam.”

Jack Monroe – food blogger, author, political activist

“I don’t believe that if you do good, good things will happen. Everything is completely accidental and random. Sometimes bad things happen to very good people and sometimes good things happen to bad people. But at least if you try to do good things, then you’re spending your time doing something worthwhile”.

Dame Helen Mirren – actress

What famous or not so famous words have struck a chord with you?